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İl Milli Eğitim Müdürü Afyonkarahisar'daki Okulları Ziyaret Ettiİl Milli Eğitim Müdürü Afyonkarahisar'daki Okulları Ziyaret Etti

Afyon Kocatepe University (AKU) Faculty of Tourism organized a series of events called "Academy, Industry and Student Meetings" in which seminars with the topics of "Food Photography", "Cultural Assets of Afyonkarahisar", "Flavor that Comes from Buffalo Milk: Mozzarella", and "Professional Knife Training" were held. Under the scope of the Academy, Industry and Student Meetings, the first seminar on "Food Photography" was conducted with the participation of Dr. Hayati Ulusay, an instructor at the Department of Cinema and Television, and food photographer Meral Yılmaz. Following this, a conversation was held where Mevlüt Üyümez, the Deputy Director of the Afyonkarahisar Provincial Directorate of Culture and Tourism, discussed the "Cultural Assets of Afyonkarahisar". Additionally, a seminar on "Flavor that Comes from Buffalo Milk: Mozzarella" was organized with the participation of Prof. Dr. Zeki Gürler, the Head of the Department of Food Hygiene and Technology at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. The week's final event, titled "Professional Knife Training", featured practical training sessions with the participation of Fırat Erbil, Corporate Training Specialist at Pirge Academy. The events took place at the Reha Kora Conference Hall at the Faculty of Tourism, and students from the departments of Gastronomy and Culinary Arts, Tourism Management, and Tour Guidance participated in the seminars. At the end of the seminars, participants were presented with certificates of appreciation. #AfyonKocatepeÜniversitesi #AKÜ #TurizmFakültesi #AkademiveSektörEtkinlikleri #YemekFotoğrafçılığı #AfyonkarahisarınKültürVarlıkları #MandaSütündenGelenLezzetMozzarella #ProfesyonelBıçakEğitimi #Gastronomi #Turizmİşletmeciliği #TurizmRehberliği